![]() Fáilte go Scoil Phádraig, Ballyhale, Co. Kilkenny.
Rolla 17628R The school is based in South Kilkenny and we have 175 pupils this year 2024/25. Welcome to our website. Bain spaoi súp agus sult as!!!! Email address - [email protected] or [email protected] |
Fáilte go Scoil Phádraig, Baile Héil.
Annual Admission Notice for 2025/2026
We are now accepting enrolments for Junior Infants for the 2025/2026 school year. All information is now available from the office. Please email [email protected] or call 056 7768915 for more details.
We are now accepting enrolments for Junior Infants for the 2025/2026 school year. All information is now available from the office. Please email [email protected] or call 056 7768915 for more details.
Please click on the links below to view the School Policy on Healthy Eating and the Uniform Policy.

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Junior Infants 2023/24
Junior Infants 2022/23
Please click on the link below to view the Christmas Newsletter 2021/22.

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Santa came to Scoil Phádraig on Thursday 16th of December 2021.
Thanks to the Thomastown Gardaí and teh Fire Service who brought Santa safely to school. The winners of the Garda colouring competition are pictured getting their prizes below.
Santa came to Scoil Phádraig on Thursday 16th of December 2021.
Thanks to the Thomastown Gardaí and teh Fire Service who brought Santa safely to school. The winners of the Garda colouring competition are pictured getting their prizes below.
The Parents Association made presentations to Mrs. Helena Coleman and Mr. P.J. O'Sullivan on their retirements from school. Best wishes to both Helena and P.J from all in Scoil Phádraig.
Funky Shoe Day in Scoil Phádraig 15th October 2021.
Confirmation will take place in Knocktopher on Saturday 11th of September 2021. There will be 3 services.
First Communion will take place on Saturday 18th of September 2021 and there will be 2 services. We look forward to celebrating the two sacraments on both days in our parish. There is more information in the letters attached on the right. |
Junior Infants 2020/21

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Dear Parents,
Please see the letter about homework and other information of note.
Thank you for your continued support during the reopening of the school.
This letter was published on 29th of Sept. 2020
Kind regards,
Tomás O'Dowd.
Please see the letter about homework and other information of note.
Thank you for your continued support during the reopening of the school.
This letter was published on 29th of Sept. 2020
Kind regards,
Tomás O'Dowd.

letter_to_parents_sept._29th_2020.pdf | |
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Dear Parents,
Please see the extra information from the HSE about Covid 19.
Published on the school website on 8th of September 2020.
Kind regards,
Tomás O Dowd.
Please see the extra information from the HSE about Covid 19.
Published on the school website on 8th of September 2020.
Kind regards,
Tomás O Dowd.

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Dear Parents,
Please see an open letter from the Acting Chief Medical Officer Ronan Glynn to Parents and Guardians of school children and to teachers and affiliated school staff.
Kind regards,
Tomás O Dowd.
Please see an open letter from the Acting Chief Medical Officer Ronan Glynn to Parents and Guardians of school children and to teachers and affiliated school staff.
Kind regards,
Tomás O Dowd.

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Dear Parents,
Please find an information letter about Aladdin Schools Connect which we will roll out shortly in the school.
Kind regards,
Tomás O Dowd.
Please find an information letter about Aladdin Schools Connect which we will roll out shortly in the school.
Kind regards,
Tomás O Dowd.

aladdin_letter_to_parents_31st_august_2020.pdf | |
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Dear Parents,
Please find the third letter with information about school reopening on Thursday 27th of August.
Please click on the letter below.
Kind regards,
Tomás O Dowd.
Please find the third letter with information about school reopening on Thursday 27th of August.
Please click on the letter below.
Kind regards,
Tomás O Dowd.

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Dear Parents,
Please find the latest information about school reopening on Thursday 27th of August.
Please click on the letter below posted on August 21st 2020.
Kind regards,
Tomás O Dowd.
Please find the latest information about school reopening on Thursday 27th of August.
Please click on the letter below posted on August 21st 2020.
Kind regards,
Tomás O Dowd.

information_on_reopening_letter_august_21st_2020.pdf | |
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Dear Parents,
I hope all families are enjoying the summer holidays.
Please click on the letter below with information about the Reopening of the Scoil Phádraig.
Kind regards,
Tomás O Dowd
I hope all families are enjoying the summer holidays.
Please click on the letter below with information about the Reopening of the Scoil Phádraig.
Kind regards,
Tomás O Dowd

letter_to_parents_about_school_reopening_august_2020.pdf | |
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Dear Parents,
Please click on the letter to Parents from the Minister for Education Norma Foley re-Reopening of schools attached just below.
The summer is flying by - I hope you are all well and having a well earned break.
I will send you additional information before school reopens.
Kind regards and best wishes.
Tomás O Dowd.
Please click on the letter to Parents from the Minister for Education Norma Foley re-Reopening of schools attached just below.
The summer is flying by - I hope you are all well and having a well earned break.
I will send you additional information before school reopens.
Kind regards and best wishes.
Tomás O Dowd.

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6th Graduation Class of 2020 below with the photo of the Class when they were in Junior Infants underneath.
The Senior CFSN (Child and Family Support Network) Co-ordinator in Kilkenny would like to let parents know that they are still providing and co-ordinating services for children, young people and families in the area. Due to the current Covid-19 situation, the ways in which supports are being provided have been altered to best meet the needs of families, while adhering to governmental guidelines. The CFSN Co-ordinators provide supports for all families, whether or not they have been engaged with Tusla previously, these supports can include access to counselling; family support; supports for young children and teenagers; therapy online or on the phone, or help with food and practical supports. If you would like to find out more, please contact your local Snr CFSN Co-ordinator: Nora Roberts [email protected] 087 7943746
5th April 2020
Dear Parents,
It’s just over three weeks since Thursday 12th March, when word arrived that we were to close all schools from that evening. It left schools with less than two hours to prepare for what has since become the most unprecedented and unparalleled event in living memory.
We have learned a few things along the way too:
- We cannot expect a day at home to run like a day at school. It is counterproductive to burden children with too much work to be completed
- For many families, for example where someone is ill, or where a parent has lost their job, school will be temporarily down the list of priorities.
It is equally important to give families a rest and to let them know very clearly that they are not expected to engage in schoolwork over the next couple of weeks.
The First Communion which had been planned for May 9th cannot go ahead because of the Covid 19 virus and will rescheduled for a date when it is considered safe, by the Health Authorities, to have such a gathering
We wish you a special two weeks of down time. We wish you and your families health and safe in the coming weeks.
There are some helpful links below which are worth reading
Is mise le meas,
Tomás O Dowd.
29th March 2020
Dear Parents,
We are all adjusting to this new teaching and learning environment. I have put up a list of links to websites onto our own school website. This is available under the useful websites tab on www.ballyhale.com
All book companies have also made access to books free for parents. All booklists are available on the Booklists tab on this website.
It is now clear to us all that this will be the environment that we have to work in for some weeks ahead. It is a challenge but one that we can work on and develop with everybody's cooperation.
On a personal note I hope that you and your families are well and stay well. These are unprecedented times. A huge challenge has come our way. We must tackle it together. We will come through it.
Kind regards and best wishes,
Tomás O Dowd,
Scoil Phádraig,
Co. Kilkenny
R95 EK00
056 7768915
Rolla No. 17628r
Dear Parents,
We are all adjusting to this new teaching and learning environment. I have put up a list of links to websites onto our own school website. This is available under the useful websites tab on www.ballyhale.com
All book companies have also made access to books free for parents. All booklists are available on the Booklists tab on this website.
It is now clear to us all that this will be the environment that we have to work in for some weeks ahead. It is a challenge but one that we can work on and develop with everybody's cooperation.
On a personal note I hope that you and your families are well and stay well. These are unprecedented times. A huge challenge has come our way. We must tackle it together. We will come through it.
Kind regards and best wishes,
Tomás O Dowd,
Scoil Phádraig,
Co. Kilkenny
R95 EK00
056 7768915
Rolla No. 17628r
Dear Parents/Guardians,
You will have heard from the Taoiseach that schools will be closing from March 13th 2020 until 29th March 2020 inclusive. As a school, we have developed a helpful programme of work to keep your children busy and motivated over the next couple of weeks. The majority of the class textbooks have been sent home in order to minimise the impact on teaching and learning. We will also be putting activities up on the school website at www.ballyhale.com
We want to ensure that your children will continue to access school work and have a programme of work that could be completed over a two week period up to March 29th 2020.
During the days ahead the work will be updated weekly on the website. I would ask you, as much as possible, to encourage your child to do this work.
Should you have any questions, the school can be contacted by emailing [email protected]
Below find a list of additional tasks to keep your child busy and learning in the days ahead.
Please encourage your child to complete some or maybe all of these tasks and keep a short record of the work completed in their copy.
Internet sites.
ixl.ie (Mata agus Béarla)
schoolhub.ie (táblaí)
oxfordowls.ie (free ebooks)
storylineonline (do pháistí óga)
TG4 Cúla4
cogg.ie (gramadach na Gaeilge Rang 5/6)
www.toporopa.eu (Tír Eolaíocht Rang 4/5/6)
RTE player –News2Day
gonoodle.com (Corp Oideachas)
Thank you for your cooperation,
Stay healthy and well.
Le meas,
Tomás O Dowd.
Dear Parents/Guardians,
You will have heard from the Taoiseach that schools will be closing from March 13th 2020 until 29th March 2020 inclusive. As a school, we have developed a helpful programme of work to keep your children busy and motivated over the next couple of weeks. The majority of the class textbooks have been sent home in order to minimise the impact on teaching and learning. We will also be putting activities up on the school website at www.ballyhale.com
We want to ensure that your children will continue to access school work and have a programme of work that could be completed over a two week period up to March 29th 2020.
During the days ahead the work will be updated weekly on the website. I would ask you, as much as possible, to encourage your child to do this work.
Should you have any questions, the school can be contacted by emailing [email protected]
Below find a list of additional tasks to keep your child busy and learning in the days ahead.
Please encourage your child to complete some or maybe all of these tasks and keep a short record of the work completed in their copy.
- Please Daily independent reading (30-60 mins)
- Daily exercise (outdoors if possible). (30-45 mins)
- Indoor activity may include:
- Zumba
- Just Dance
- Yoga
- Skipping, hopping, jumping, star jumps, jogging on the spot etc.
- gonoodle.com
- Mini project (5 – 10 facts on):
- a country
- an animal
- a sports person
- a celebrity
- a mode of transport
- a historical figure
- an inventor
- a food
- Write the news of the day in English/ As Gaeilge for older classes
- Diary
- Baking
- Cooking
- Dictionary Work
- Housework
- Art
- Drawing/Colouring
- Length
- Weight
- Money
- Jigsaws
- Drama
- Poetry
- Play a game of cards/chess/draughts
- Play a board game.
- Build something from Lego, blocks, Meccano, Stickle Bricks, waste material
Internet sites.
ixl.ie (Mata agus Béarla)
schoolhub.ie (táblaí)
oxfordowls.ie (free ebooks)
storylineonline (do pháistí óga)
TG4 Cúla4
cogg.ie (gramadach na Gaeilge Rang 5/6)
www.toporopa.eu (Tír Eolaíocht Rang 4/5/6)
RTE player –News2Day
gonoodle.com (Corp Oideachas)
Thank you for your cooperation,
Stay healthy and well.
Le meas,
Tomás O Dowd.
5Well done to all the children who brought in shoeboxes for the Team Hope appeal 2019. The boxes will be going to Africa this year. Many thanks to all who contributed to a fantastic total of 175 boxes which were collected on Nov. 8th. Maith sibh!!!!!!
The Scoil Phádraig team that won the Roinn B Under 11 championship in Nowlan Park in June 2019. Maith Sibh!!!
Well done to the School Athletics Team that took part in the Athletics Day in Thomastown on 27th of September 2019
Welcome back to everyone for the new school year 2019/20. We especially welcome back the New Junior Infant Class pictured above. Fáilte romhaibh uilig go Scoil Phádraig, Baile Héil!!!!!
The victorious Ballyhale Shamrocks team visited Scoil Phádraig on Thursday 28th of March with the County, Leinster and All Ireland Club trophies. They had won the All Ireland Club trophy for a record breaking 7th time. Maith sibh!!!!! Seamóga Abú!!!
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Songs written by 6th Class for the Leinster Final

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Junior Entrepreneur Programme 2018/19
6th class have entered the Junior Entrepreneur Programme.
They have put in some very hard work and are close to launching a product.
Click here to view the Junior Entrepreneur Page and learn more about the project in Scoil Phádraig.
6th class have entered the Junior Entrepreneur Programme.
They have put in some very hard work and are close to launching a product.
Click here to view the Junior Entrepreneur Page and learn more about the project in Scoil Phádraig.
Winners of the Roinn F Football County Final on Tuesday 20th of November. Maith sibh cailíní!!!!!!!!!!

There were 133 Christmas Boxes brought in by the pupils of Scoil Phádraig, Ballyhale for the Team Hope Appeal.
A huge thank you and well done to all the children and parents who contributed to this fantastic effort. Maith sibh go léir!!!!!!
There were 133 Christmas Boxes brought in by the pupils of Scoil Phádraig, Ballyhale for the Team Hope Appeal.
A huge thank you and well done to all the children and parents who contributed to this fantastic effort. Maith sibh go léir!!!!!!

The New Junior Infants who started on 29th of August 2018.
Team Hope - Christmas Boxes

Buddy Bench
Buddy Bench Ireland were delighted to inform Scoil Phádraig that they had procured full funding as part of Kilkenny Mental Health Week and in collaboration with the Kilkenny mobile Library services to deliver the Buddy bench programme in Scoil Phádraig. The programme was delivered to our school on Friday 5th October 2018.
This is the photograph of the Buddy Bench in school.
Thanks to Buddy Bench Ireland for the workshops they did in all the classrooms.
Buddy Bench Ireland were delighted to inform Scoil Phádraig that they had procured full funding as part of Kilkenny Mental Health Week and in collaboration with the Kilkenny mobile Library services to deliver the Buddy bench programme in Scoil Phádraig. The programme was delivered to our school on Friday 5th October 2018.
This is the photograph of the Buddy Bench in school.
Thanks to Buddy Bench Ireland for the workshops they did in all the classrooms.
Parents Association Clothes CollectionThe Parents Association will be collecting clothes for their clothes collection on Thursday 25th of October. All clothes can be dropped into the school hall on Wednesday evening and Thursday morning.